Monday, July 21, 2008

Going with the flow

Every year commercial beekeepers follow the nectar flow; moving thousands of bees on a pilgrimage to gather from orange blossoms in Florida, through peach blossoms in Georgia and up through the Carolina's, Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey and ending in Maine. And local beekeepers keep track of the flow. We monitor the blooms from early spring to winter and track the changes in the colony.

The honey bee is an glori0us gift of God. Through their efforts the beauty and scent of a flower becomes a sweet golden ambrosia. And their gatherings pollinate and result in even more visual beauty. Amazing!

I was nervous when I saw all these bees hanging outside my hive. I contacted my beekeeping mentor and he told me that it was the indication of a strong colony. When it's very hot and humid they gather outside the hive and cool off.

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